Monday, October 21, 2013

E Cigarette .. your thoughts?

What do you think of E Cig's?  I have never been a smoker. I do like the look of E Cig's are they dangerous? do they cause cancer?  I think people should be allowed to smoke those in public as they don't smell like anything and don't put me (non smoker) at risk of cancer, nor do they turn my white walls grey/black etc
your thoughts?
I heard about a real artist getting arrested for 'graffiti'...what does #Banksy do again? what's the difference? (see link)

Monday, March 25, 2013

#Pocketography? #ADC's Miami venture

Well, I recently heard a comment about #Steven #Meisel having a camera issue (we all do) on a fast paced job, then quickly grabbing his smart phone and shooting some of the (job) snaps with it instead.  After all, if the content is only web content, then I suppose that is OK? Actually it might even be OK if it is digital broadcast over a digital billboard..(not actually sure about that one but worth looking into)?
The ADC is 'conferencing' in Miami in a couple of weeks, and has put a call out to potential participants to pull out their smart phone and show us what ya got.
View this video and tell me your thoughts

Friday, March 8, 2013

$4K for a #photography #Job Interview?

Folks, please do not cringe when looking over a #photographer's #Estimate.  Please do not cringe when overlooking their (photographer's) #Creative Fee.  Instead, recall how much it cost the photographer to get to the point of estimating/#bidding on the job.  #Portfolio Reviews, aka job interviews (basically), can cost us up to $3,999 just to be seen by prospective clients for 15-20 minute stints.  There are many 'reviews' out there, however to be seen by actual prospective clients can be tricky.  To better your chances, now-a-days you can spend anywhere between $90 for one 15-20 minute 'interview' to upwards of $3,999 for 3 full days of meetings.  Of course this cost is on top of other marketing strategies.  Photo contest entries start around $25 per image up to $100 or so per series entry (or so I have seen).  Other marketing is also not 'free' nor cheap.  Even if you go the #Vista Print route, you still need to pay for your website, equipment, test shoots, test shoot space, #studio manager/photo assistants, tablets & printed portfolios, #adbase, #altpick, #foundfolios, #dripbook, #insurance, yikes the list goes on.  Yes, being awarded a big job can seem like hitting lottery, but just bare in mind that lotto ticket didn't cost (only) a Dollar.

Friday, March 1, 2013

WOAH! Finally a replacement for my #polaroid cameras! I miss the #SX-70 & having people sign my polaroids. in a storm, real #polaroids were the only thing to survive.  I can not wait to buy this camera.  Please feel free to post if you get one, or have any comments about this.  woo hoo.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

this is one of my most inspiring #Vimeo finds.  It was posted a couple of years ago but I just can't get enough and had to share.  it's not created with a #Phantom, not a #cinemagraph, but instead just a series of stills worked on in #After effects.  Enjoy

Saturday, January 26, 2013

firefox has new smart phone.

I've never been an i-device lover.  #Mac OS in a computer, sure, except now they are starting to stress me out with their computers becoming more like their i-devices (proprietary everything and you can't change anything--battery or otherwise). That said, #google unveiled it's laptop recently (, and now #mozilla (aka #firefox) has a smartphone

I"m def curious!