Monday, June 23, 2014

Fathers featured in Laundry detergent commercial...(it's ABOUT TIME)

FINALLY! I have now seen 3 tv commercials for a Laundry detergent featuring a father (no Mom in the commercial).  Though, the 1st one (from Tide) to me somewhat groundbreaking (about time), they definitely focus on the fact he is a Father rather than just allowing that to be the norm.  they stress the fact HE can do the same things as 'she' (aka Mom).  I'm not sure I like the fact they are calling it 'Dad Mom'.  why not just simply, Dad.  This is still subconsciously stating it's a 'woman's job' but a Man can also do it etc.  The other two commercials, on the other hand seem a bit more well rounded.  Not focusing on the fact he is a man, but instead he just happens to be taking care of his kids (just like the 'mom' commercials of the last oh let's say 55+ years? ....
unfortunately I could only find links to the 'Dad MOm' version and at least oneo f the other versions but not the one I most recently saw while watching World cup 'pre-game' commentary.  If any of you can find that commercial please feel free to reply with a link to this post.
Here are the two link:

Friday, June 13, 2014

visual 'tricks'. #ogilvy, #cocacola

If some of you have seen my website, there is a section on 'Cinemagraphs' alongside the conventional photography portfolios.  These are dressed up animated .gifs to combine the moving image with the still.  Ogilvy (for a recent CocaCola campaign) has gone steps further with their optical illusion imagery in use of negative space.  See below (the leaves appear to be moving, yet they are actually still).