Monday, March 25, 2013

#Pocketography? #ADC's Miami venture

Well, I recently heard a comment about #Steven #Meisel having a camera issue (we all do) on a fast paced job, then quickly grabbing his smart phone and shooting some of the (job) snaps with it instead.  After all, if the content is only web content, then I suppose that is OK? Actually it might even be OK if it is digital broadcast over a digital billboard..(not actually sure about that one but worth looking into)?
The ADC is 'conferencing' in Miami in a couple of weeks, and has put a call out to potential participants to pull out their smart phone and show us what ya got.
View this video and tell me your thoughts

Friday, March 8, 2013

$4K for a #photography #Job Interview?

Folks, please do not cringe when looking over a #photographer's #Estimate.  Please do not cringe when overlooking their (photographer's) #Creative Fee.  Instead, recall how much it cost the photographer to get to the point of estimating/#bidding on the job.  #Portfolio Reviews, aka job interviews (basically), can cost us up to $3,999 just to be seen by prospective clients for 15-20 minute stints.  There are many 'reviews' out there, however to be seen by actual prospective clients can be tricky.  To better your chances, now-a-days you can spend anywhere between $90 for one 15-20 minute 'interview' to upwards of $3,999 for 3 full days of meetings.  Of course this cost is on top of other marketing strategies.  Photo contest entries start around $25 per image up to $100 or so per series entry (or so I have seen).  Other marketing is also not 'free' nor cheap.  Even if you go the #Vista Print route, you still need to pay for your website, equipment, test shoots, test shoot space, #studio manager/photo assistants, tablets & printed portfolios, #adbase, #altpick, #foundfolios, #dripbook, #insurance, yikes the list goes on.  Yes, being awarded a big job can seem like hitting lottery, but just bare in mind that lotto ticket didn't cost (only) a Dollar.

Friday, March 1, 2013

WOAH! Finally a replacement for my #polaroid cameras! I miss the #SX-70 & having people sign my polaroids. in a storm, real #polaroids were the only thing to survive.  I can not wait to buy this camera.  Please feel free to post if you get one, or have any comments about this.  woo hoo.